
Glossop is a small market town located about 15 miles east of Manchester and 24 miles west of Sheffield. However it is a small town with a big number of myths and legends. Here are some of the best stories Glossop and its surroundings have to offer.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

The 9 Ladies

The 9 ladies is a Bronze Age stone circle located on Stanton Moor. In prehistoric times Stanton Moor was used as a vast cemetery. Many burial mounds and stone cairns have been excavated revealing human cremations along with urns and other prehistoric items. The 9 stones are made from millstone grit and are all less than 3 feet tall. Nearby stands another stone known as 'the fiddler's stone'. Legend has it that the 9 stones were once 9 witches who were turned to stone after being caught dancing to the devil's fiddle on a Sunday. On one of the stones there is a carving which is possibly an early cross. This suggests that Christians tried to rid the circle of the demons.

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